Accounting Request Forms


New Account Credit Applicationuse this form when a prospective customer wishes to be considered for credit with New-Life Mills.


EFT – Payor Authorization Form – use this form for automatic debit


VISA –  Authorization Form – use this form to pay by VISA


Customer Information Sheet – use this form when processing a new customer


Marketing/Advertising Request Forms


Sponsorship/Donation Request Form – use this form when customers and industry contacts make donations/sponsorship requests.  Be sure to upload any files/request letters.  Once submitted your request will be reviewed by your manager. Once a decision is made you will be advised.  Please do not pre-approve donations or sponsorships.


Marketing Purchase Order Request  – use this form when you have been advised that pre-approval of a purchase is required.


Marketing/Advertising Expense Payment Request – use this form to submit a request for payment of out-of-pocket expenses or invoices which are considered marketing/advertising such as customer gifts, sponsorships, print ads, open houses etc.


Marketing Request Form – use this form when you need to get marketing materials made, edited or re-ordered.


Sales Forms


Start Clean Stay Clean HACCP Letter January 2020 English

Start Clean Stay Clean HACCP Letter January 2020 French